How To Download GTA San Andreas Grand Theft Auto.( GTA.) Is a video game, Previously produced by Dave Jones, Dan Hauser and Sam Hauser later developed it, The designer of this game is Zachary Clarke, But it is mainly Rockstar North.( Formerly DMA Design) Developed and released as a Rockstar game series. Undefined Action in this gameplay, Adventure, Driving and sometimes role playing, There are also specialties like trickery and racing, Some of the themes of this game became controversial due to their adult and violent nature. This series revolves around various main characters, Who wants to rise up through criminal gangs of the underworld, However, their objectives in each game vary. Generally, the opposition is of a character who betrays the chieftain or his organization or hinders their progress undefined Template in this series: Vgy Grand Theft Auto IV began with nine stand-alone games from now on, Two expansion packs are being released with the latest...